

Recruitment is the key to business success. We have developed extended networks of talent and have built a thorough understanding of the South African and African business environments, from small to medium enterprises to large Corporations. We prefer and focus on working with top quality professionals, Management and Executive positions in South Africa and the African continent.

We are innovative and nimble in our approach.


The first lever for successful on boarding is self-efficacy, or self-confidence, in the job. The quicker the employee settles down the better motivated and eventually more successful they become. As an offering we develop a full bespoke on-boarding program, designed around your culture and ethos. We train relevant personnel to present the program, or alternatively we present as a 3rd party. This includes a professionally commissioned audio-visual presentation.

HR Outsourcing

Whether you need ongoing HR support, assistance with a specific project or issue, or strategic insight on how to make the most of your human capital investment, Ark is well-suited to provide exactly what you need. We offer personalized HR support, with strong focus on enhancing employee well-being thereby driving performance improvement within the organisation.

Our services include:

  • Consultations and/ or ongoing HR Support
  • Assistance with dispute resolution interventions with regulating bodies such as the Department of Labour; CCMA or relevant Bargaining Council
  • Unlimited assistance in HR/ IR related matters
  • Assistance with Department of Labour inspections
  • Assistance with HR compliance
  • Performance management/Training and development
  • HR training and development
  • Employment Equity plans and BBBEE scorecards implementation
  • Setting up of Social and Ethics Committees
  • Skills Development and designated SETA submissions
  • Investigations and polygraph services
  • Labour Court Litigation and representation
  • Employment Contract revision and implementation
  • Updated Wall Charts (BCEA; EEA and OHSA)
  • Personalized Job Description revision and implementation
  • HR policy audit and review

Career Coaching

One of our core objectives is to develop careers and provide maximum value. We believe such values allow us to “manage our candidates careers”. We offer Complimentary Career Coaching to all of our candidates with the objective of preparing them for what to expect at their next workplace opportunity, and further providing them with the right mindset to hit the ground running. This is a completely unique service and is firstly at no cost to the candidate, and is all inclusive of our placement fees. Our clients can rest assured that an Ark candidate is well prepared and enthusiastic to mark their mark in the company. There is more information in our Candidate Zone regarding what we offer our candidates.